Southwest corner King St. East and Jarvis St., Toronto

A plaque inside the hall records its role as a public meeting space built in 1850 in the heart of Toronto. A centre for cultural and political activity over the years, it has featured noted concert singers as well as lively debates and orations. Frederick Douglass, the renowned former slave and abolitionist, was one of the first speakers here, as this was a frequent site for anti-slavery rallies.

According to Daniel G. Hill, Negroes in Toronto, 1793-1865, an historic convention of the North American Convention of Coloured Freemen met here in 1851.  Hundreds of free Black people converged on the city from the northern states and England. The Convention resolved to encourage American slaves to emigrate to Canada instead of going to Africa, since Canada despite its limited liberties for Blacks offered the best opportunity to support anti-slavery activity.